AREA: 192.8HA (476.42 Acres).
IMPROVEMENTS: An excellent set of timber and steel stockyards , 5 way draft , numerous holding and working yards , quality vet crush with scales , spray race with return to sump water , water to the yards , covered working areas with concrete pads where necessary , handle 300 head easily. 15m x 7m zinc alum shed with lined and sealed section, with kitchenette, shower and septic toilet system. Fully cement floored plus 5000 gallon cement tank for fresh water storage. Electricity connected to shed. Near new huge high roofed hay/machinery shed , steel framed with water tank , enclosed on 3 sides , handle around 2000 round bales.
COUNTRY: Mostly clean and undulating good quality well drained country with approx 400 acres under dense pasture, comprising rhodes grass, stylos, wynn cassia and native pastures. 11dams, two bores electrically equipped with reticulated water to header tanks then gravity back to troughs everywhere .Property subdivided into five main paddocks plus three holding paddocks with gravelled laneway system.
CARRYING CAPACITY: 125 breeders plus progeny.
COMMENTS: Wonga Run has the reputation of being some of the very best country this tightly held district has to offer. The property lends itself to complete pasture improvement – no clearing to be done! Great fattening country, beautifully presented – adjoins “Tones”, also for sale, refer separate listing.
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