Area: 79 Sugar Rd – 609m2 + 81 Sugar Rd – 609m2 = 1,218m2

Zoning: Neighbourhood Residential

RPD: Lots 331 & 332 on RP88443, Maroochy Plan 2000

Location: Sugar Road, being one of the main access roads in to and out of the new Maroochydore CBD. Across the road from a major Industrial/Commercial precinct and 2 doors down from a proposed new Motor Car Dealership at 87-91 Sugar Road.

Lapsed DA for a small Commercial Development. Documents available.

*The above information is provided as a guideline only.
Developers need to carry out their own Due Diligence.
*Current owner has already paid $30,000 out of $45,000
for Head Works (indexed from the date of payment).
Current Use: Private Home & Training organisation.


Cheryl Vize: Mobile 0412 884 531: Email: