Central Internet Cafe (Cash Business) is a friendly public internet access that has been servicing thousands of travelers, tourists, backpackers as well as surrounding locals since its establishment in 2003.
We give the best value for our customers’ visitation, giving assistance on any basic internet related issues at no extra charge. Simply being the friendliest place in town. This could be uploading pictures to Face Book, MySpace, sending pictures via email, and also getting started chatting and calling free using Skype.
Our computers are all secured and virus free. This will protect your data being stolen, as we do not keep any or our customers’ details in the computers. So you can browse with no fear of your identity being exposed to the next person using the pc.
High Speed internet access
Chat FREE with Skype / MSN / Yahoo Messenger
CD Burning / DVD Burning
(Cash Business)
For more detailed information or to inspect please call Brian Roy on 0400 250 500 or 07 5457 6321