Excellent cropping country ( the best there is within this very productive part of Qld ) with approx. 30 acres of top class red soils under irrigation. The balance of the country is timbered with some very valuable stands of Messmate .

Watered from a gigantic irrigation dam set up with an 2 inch centrifugal which reticulates water through a myriad of 3 and 4 inch irrigation mainline .Pump set within a steel shed on the dam bank , another large dam services this property together with the adjoining property .

Huge 18.6 metre x 12 metre shed,used for packing small crops and for storage of equipment , fully set up for large production , approx . half concreted and secured , electricity everywhere , 2 toilets , shower facilities , 20,000 freshwater storage .

Overall a very good rural package , good warm country , diverseification to timber , small crops or , basically any agribusiness you would wish to pursue .