Fenced into thirteen paddocks – seven to improved pasture species including Pangola, Rhodes, Setaria and Kikuya. This is a very highly productive parcel of land on the eastern fringe of Gympie, only 8 kilometres to Kin Kin and half an hour to Boreen Point/Noosa area. Abundant stock water from 5 dams and a bore. Presently carrying 100 head of Droughtmaster cows and calves in excellent condition. The original home is a highset Federation style, fully renovated upstairs. There is a 3 bay zincalume shed, steel stockyards and ramp to bitumen road frontage and nearby the besser brick dairy building is still in A1 condition. With good fencing and a laneway system to the yards this is an easily managed, one man operation in a beautiful part of the world. To arrange your inspection contact Margaret Atkinson on (07) 4168 4535 or direct 0423 522 022.