This business is ‘chomping at the bit’ to grow larger. Currently its a very solid performer & is ideal for a Husband and Wife. Presently the owners can’t keep up with the work and don’t want to go down the path of employing extra staff.
The business requires a new owner who has business and team building skills that can employ extra staff and take on extra work. They are the preferred service provider for four real estate agents in Noosa, and a number of smaller resorts, and private holiday let properties.

The business has two income streams, one from the cleaning division and the other from the linen hire, both can easily be grown with out adding any further cost to the business. The business currently operates from a leased industrial shed, this can however be relocated to a single car garage that will save a further $2,000 p.a.

The asking price includes all stock, plant and equipment and vehicle. This business represents excellent value for money and is positioned for a new owner to take this business to the next level.