It just goes to show you that you dont need your rod in your hand to reel in the good ones
On the market as from today you can land one of the best wholesale /retail outlets available on the sunshine coast
Established for many years and operating out of the local commercial area the owners decided to take the plunge and up their activity in the retail market
What you see is what you get and that is a truly remarkable shop fitout in the new Civic centre at Noosaville ; the retail outlet is already heading for new sales records and current figures say that it would stand alone pay its costs and return a good profit to new purchaser , and as you would know thats not easy in a shopping complex
But theres more this outlet is specially built and would you believe has the room to accomadate large coolroom /freezers,fish preparation areas loading and unloading docks for your wholesale sales which last year reached well over $1,000,000 turnover. All this including delivery freezer ute will leave new buyer a tax advantage of around $200,OOO ,now all fishermen have there own little secrets they add to the bait to secure a hit our, seller has to and of course l am sworn to secrecy and cannot divulge the fact that a buyers licence is included in the sales price , what that licence is worth l would suggest would depend on how much you use it ,but having the ability to buy straight off the trawlers l would put a pretty high value on it if l were the purchaser
C/mon get the boat out its worth throwing an offer at this one as the owner has to go out with the tide to a new venture and thats why you will find upon inspection that it is well under cost price and like a fish left in the sun it wont last long