If ocean views are high on your list of ‘must-haves’, then you will certainly love the whitewater views up and down the Coastline from this extremely attractive complex high on the hill in North Peregian.

Just sitting on the lower level courtyard you can see the water, but from the balcony upstairs off the main bedroom, you will be very surprised.

This fully furnished townhouse boasts the only lock-up garage in the complex, with a large storeroom and laundry facilities immediately behind it. Bathroom facilities have been upgraded and are located downstairs, while the 2 bedrooms are both on the upper floor.

The location, on the southern end of a very well maintained complex, means privacy is assured. Body corporate fees have been kept low which is a real bonus if you are looking for a rental return or even for a great property to live in. A lovely relaxing stroll along the beach will soon have you enjoying all the wonderful facilities back at the shopping village or swimming at the patrolled beach.