This café provides an excellent opportunity for you to say farewell to your current boss and be ‘The Boss’ yourself! With this type of business you have options. For a start you get to choose how much or how little you want to work! You also have to decide how much money you will earn and then you get to take your pick of what work you will do. You may be a whiz in the kitchen and your place will be producing delectable delights to keep customers returning again & again. Or you may not be a whiz in the kitchen… but you know someone who is. Form a partnership or employ someone! You may be the best barista on the coast and have people queuing for your coffee! Or maybe you want to let someone else do that. Maybe you enjoy chatting with people & the social aspect of this business is your forte, then working the floor is for you. No matter what job you decide to take, if you decide to take one at all, this business and location will suit it all.