This opportunity to buy a large, prime 1/4 acre of vacant land in a quiet and beautiful spot this close to Tewantin shops will not come again! This big 1,014 square meter block is rare because there is not another block this size within 2 km of Tewantin’s Central Business area. There’s just no more vacant blocks this size left! Another bonus is it’s positioned opposite Tewantin’s Lake Doonella, which you can see and enjoy as you walk the 5 to 8 minute convenient walk into the Tewantin shopping area. If you are retired you don’t even need a car if you lived on this land!
There’s no building covenants on this big, flat, 1, 014 square meter block! (That’s your aussie dream quarter acre in the old language). And because there are no building covenants, you can move any type of home onto this land, or build as you like. A Queenslander would look great on this land. The aussie dream was a quarter acre block because it’s not too big too maintain and not too small…. the sort of ideal sized block which would suit everyone.
There’s no sewerage easement on this block either! This means that you can position anything in the backyard without any problems. Many smaller blocks frequently find sewerage easements in the backyard right where they want to put a shed or a pool. This land is truely 100% usable!
This big 1, 014 square meter block is twice the size of the other 506 square meter lots in Tewantin and actually twice the value for money if you consider what you can do with a block of land this size. Just try fitting your average home onto a your typical narrow 506 square meter block and you’ll soon see what I mean. Many owners are realizing that the small block they bought is just too close to neighbours. They struggle to fit the design and size of house onto the small block within the Noosa Council building setbacks and maximum building area of 40% of the lot size. This land has a massive 20 meter wide frontage and a long 50m depth. The width of the land is most important, as it is the width of a block which will give you the degree of privacy from your neighbours, which are located on either side. Buyers take this into consideration when you are purchasing!
At least 7 new stylish homes have been built within 50 meters of this lot over the last 6 years. Tewantin will see significant redevelopment in this area when the next property boom hits. This rectangular block is the ideal shape to put a house on and has none of the restrictions you’ll find with unusually shaped blocks. There are no difficulties in fencing either with just 3 neighbours adjoining to this lot. Some lots have numerous neighbours that you find with unusually shaped land. This fertile land is in a quiet street that has no traffic at all and which stops at a cul-de-sac. Across the street is beautiful Lake Doonella for your enjoyment.
Here are some good reasons why it is more profitable to build than buy an existing home:
Firstly there are enormous savings to be made…. It is cheaper to build a new home than to buy an existing new home. Once a new home is built, it is instantly worth considerably more than what you have paid to the builder! This should be reason alone to build.
Secondly you get exactly what you want when you build, right down to the fittings and colours. You don’t buy someone else’s mistakes like you do when you buy an existing house.
Thirdly a new home has no maintence issues at all as it is brand new. Once built there is no more money that needs to be spent. But existing homes have on going maintence costs due to the age of the home.
Fourthly a new home doesn’t date for many years. Your home looks great and the resale is at it’s highest.
Just step onto this huge level centrally located town lot and you’ll quickly discover what is so popular about “Old Tewantin” and why the early settlers chose the best flat flood free land with it’s rich fertile soil over other areas of Noosa for building their home. Why not call me now on 0414 851 783 and ask me to email you a plan of this land or just come and have a look for yourself?