A fertile cultivation block with 3 road frontages, gently sloping to east. Excellent views of Toowoomba, ideal home sites, equipped bore with quality water in close proximity to Oakey or Toowoomba.
Situation: 11Km Oakey – 3 Road frontages (2 bitumen)
Facilities: Power and phone passes boundary. Daily mail and school bus to Oakey or Biddeston Schools.
Area and Tenure: 68.17Ha – 168.44 Acres
Country: Gentle eastern sloping cultivation country with contours where necessary.
Cultivation: All of block cultivated with most black alluvial soils, some on southern boundary lighter reddish with small amount of stone.
Water: 100′ deep stock bore equipped with mill, quality water pumping to tank and trough.
Fencing: Divided into 3 paddocks