When the architect and builder combined their talents the eco-sensitive result mirrors many contemporary thought patterns and unique features.
The house
3 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms
Built east-west to maximize the sun’s yearly passage
Constructed of Hebel Power Panel for its high insulation capacity
Eave, window placement and skylight louvres to maximize or minimize the effects of the sun
Warm in winter and cool in summer
Wood stove
Gas cook top; two electric ovens
Granite kitchen benches
Cellulose super insulation (150mm)
The garden:
A small dam with double clay lining
A significant variety of fruit trees
Views to the fenced paddocks below
Fenced vegetable gardens

Other features:
Unobstructed 180 views
Bitumen road entrance
Four car accommodation
A supply of firewood
4 x 1100 gallons rainwater tanks
Grey water system