Situation: 45 Km from Toowoomba – Warwick – Gatton in the scenic Hirstglen District just off the Gatton – Clifton Rd.
Facilities: School bus to Pilton & Clifton schools. 5 Day M/S. Cambooya Shire Rates $1,172.00 PA.
Country: Gently elevated pasture improved country running back to undulating native grass country shaded with gum and iron bark trees.
Cultivation: 30 Acres contoured where necessary now back to pasture grass and lucerne.
Water: 2 dams, bore equipped with mill needs new pipes, buckets, and tank.
Fencing: Good to fair part of boundary fencing to be moved to the true boundary line. Subdived into 4 paddocks.
Remarks: This is a very good 58 Acre block set in the scenic Hirstglen District.