LOCATION: The property is located about 12 kilometres north of Pittsworth with bitumen frontage of the Linthorpe Road and about 42km west of Toowoomba

SERVICES: Power is not connected to the property but is connected to the adjoining properties, 5 day mail and school bus to Pittsworth school are available

RPD: Lot 211 Plan A342593, Lot 110 Plan AG3, Parish Motley, Lot 20 Plan A342701 Parish Rolleston

AREA Lot 211 63.235 Ha
Lot 110 9.768 Ha
Lot 20 41.278 Ha
TOTAL 114.81 Ha (282 acres)

COUNTRY: The property varies from open grazing gully flats and elevated grass country into timbered coolibah, ironbark and pine ridges, approximately 100 acres is cleared to grass while the balance is moderate to heavily timbered grazing country

WATER: The property is watered by a semi-permanent gully and bore with windmill tank and trough that appears not to be operational

IMPROVEMENTS: The only improvements on the land is a small hut/barn of timber construction

FENCING: The property is boundary fenced with fences varying from very good to fair only mainly cattle proof fencing.

COMMENTS: Natural bushland block, handy to Pittsworth with choice creek flats elevated plateau with great view to the Bunya Mountains