LOCATION: Property located 7.5 km east of Brookstead and about 14km west of Pittsworth with bitumen road frontage to Mann Silo Road. SERVICES: 240 volt power is about 300m from Cnr Lot 2. Mail available 5 days plus S/Bus to Pittsworth and Brookstead. AREA: 160.74 Hectares (397.2 acres) COUNTRY: The country is all level to early undulating box/myall country with black to black brown clay soils. The property is mainly used for cultivation with about 10 acres timbered box and 5 acres of grass gully. Note: Included is 120 acres sorghum & 40 acres panomara millet IMPROVEMENTS: Lot 2 Include machinery sheds constructed of sawn hard wood posts, steel roof trusses and fully enclosed with corrugated iron. Barn set on low timber stumps, enclosed with CGI. WATER:Dam (not equipped) Bore hole with steel casing (not equipped) Part of northern boundary not fenced balance varies from good to fair, cattle proof fencing some older internal fences.