Situated on 2726 square metres, this 655 square metre shed consists of workshop / warehouse area, office accommodation, amenities and storage. The gross floor area is approximately 850 square metres.

The building is constructed of 3 metre high tilt panel walls all round except the western wall which is 6 metre high concrete. The balance of the shed is steel & iron construction.

At the front of the building, offices are fitted out over 2 levels and have fully ducted air conditioning.

A 160 square metre skillion is located on the eastern side of the building.

Access to the warehouse is via 2 rollerdoors – 4 metres wide x 4-5 metres high. The warehouse has 3 phase power & roof ventilation.

The property is security fenced and alarmed and has substantial hardstand area.

Great opportunity in a popular location – suit either owner / operator or investor.


For further information contact Nick Koenig on 0447 660 199 or the office of LJH Commercial on 07 4688 2266