Quote: Advertiser 29-8-13 Front page:
“Adelaide’s West End will swell by up to 20,000 new workers and residents over the next decade, signalling a seismic shift in the city centre… Adelaide City Council figures forecast a total city resident population of more than 32,000 in a decade…The idea that the city can double its population in 15 years or less is a very real goal….the west end is set to become the commercial and educational epicentre of the city..”
The above story confirms Apartment 203, Represents one of the best value investments within the Adelaide CBD. Yes, the current lease runs to 2021, but in 7 short years, with the expected residential population flow into the West End, this managed unit, at just $85,000, becomes outstanding value.
It offers a large kitchen/dining/bedroom area plus ensuite in a growth region.
Consideration may be also given to a self managed super fund or future city pad.
The income for the last 4 quarters has been.
30/6/12 $696.18
30/9/12 $983.61
31/12/12 $1,879.48
31/3/13 $1,601.40
Total $5,160.67
The approximate expenses for a 12 month period is:
Council Rates: $908
Strata $1,308
SA Water: $629
ESL: $160
Total: $3,005.