One man meat store servicing the needs of Belair, Blackwood and Glenalta residents looking for delectable meats for their jaded palates!
If you are innovative, interested in the fine foods and quality, value for money, premium, meat cuts, you could be looking for this store!
Esthablished in a vine covered shopping precinct, away from the bulk store supermarkets, where your window will make an immediate impact and guarantee repeat business from grateful clients.
Brightly lit, refrigerated display cases in air-conditioned retail shop.
Back of House has a huge cool room with travelling meat racking and in-line scale and all of the equipment needed for meat processing and vacuum packaging.
After 25 years, 18 years under present owner/operator, are you the operator who will take this store to the true Providore level?
For more information please contact Graham Lunn on 0409 505 909.
RLA 61345