When someone is talking about business, they refer to location, location… With this business that is exactly what you can get!

Located on the popular Christie Beach Esplanade, with a huge population area and plenty of street parking.

Fully equipped and trading as a Chinese Restaurant.

This business opportunity could mean a re-haul of the existing business, layout and setup (STTC). Or, of course you could opt for a continuation of the current vibe and ethos of the restaurant (STCC).

The large, industrial kitchen is both well equipped and kept, catering for a range of needs and requirements.

Make the most of this tremendous opportunity, whether you’re already an avid fan of Christies Beach, an investor, or looking for a coastal place of business. It’s likely to be a marvellous break for a very lucky someone, so get in quick.

Contact Henry today for further informaiton

RLA 245235