Contact Peter Alexandrou – 0512 833 501
Property Renovator and Developer – 2,426m2 – 3 Street Frontage
Unique Opportunity for the Property Renovator and Developer

Original condition solid construction 1940’s residence with 2 large sheds and on hard to find 2,426m2 allotment with 3 street frontages.

The gently sloping land has frontage to Mary Street, Glen Road and Mountain Road making it ideal for alternate access for additional shedding and or possible subdivision (subject to all regulatory approvals. City of Mitcham – Residential (Hills) Zone – Development Principles – Refer below).

The house itself is quite a surprise package. OK there is work to be done to get it up to a good standard but the accomadation includes a bedsitter with its own kitchenette and bathroom, 3 other bedrooms, large lounge, family room and kitchen with an original island bench.

Excellent location close to Blackwood High and Primary Schools, Blackwood Shopping Precinct, public transport and Westfield shopping, the beach and city are within easy drive.

Asking Price $510,000 to $560,000

For details or inspection contact Peter Alexandrou 0412 833 501 or in the office on 08 8278 5122


Note: Vendor requires a Licence to Occupy the Western Shed for 12 Months.

City of Mitcham


The objective and principles of development control that follow apply in the Residential (Hills) Zone
shown on Maps Mit/10, 11, 13 to 16, 18 to 21 and 23. They are additional to those expressed for the
whole of the council area.


Objective 1: Development comprising detached dwellings on large allotments that maintains
and enhances the natural vegetation and features of the Mount Lofty Ranges.

Desired Character
The Residential (Hills) Zone includes, in whole or in part, the suburbs of Belair, Blackwood,
Hawthorndene, Glenalta, Eden Hills, Bellevue Heights and Coromandel Valley as shown on Maps
Mit/10, 11, 13 to 16, 18 to 21 and 23.

The zone generally comprises the residential suburbs of the City of Mitcham that are situated in the
Mount Lofty Ranges. The area has developed a special character in response to a range of physical
and environmental attributes including generally rugged topography, an abundance of vegetation, the
absence of a deep drainage sewer system in the early years of settlement, the relatively low
availability of and access to a range of services and facilities, and a relatively limited road system in
terms of capacity and convenience.

As a result of the above factors, the area has developed a unique character typified by generally large
to very large allotments mainly accommodating detached dwellings, thus resulting in a very high open
space to built-form ratio. This has enabled many areas to remain relatively densely vegetated and the
area as a whole to maintain a distinctive natural character.

Subdivision of land and the development of housing have occurred over a long period of time. This,
together with the physical constraints of the land, has resulted in a diverse range of subdivision
patterns, housing development and streetscapes that together contribute to the area’s overall lowdensity
and highly landscaped character. For example, some areas have developed in a traditional
grid pattern with straight roads and regular dwelling set-backs representing a relatively formal pattern
of development. Other areas have developed with winding roads, irregular allotment patterns and a
much less formal streetscape dominated by open spaces that have been left in a more natural or
random state.

A large portion of the zone is within a Bushfire Protection Area shown on Figures Mit(BPA)/1 to 17 of
the Development Plan. This area requires special consideration due to the potential conflict between
the need to modify the natural environment to afford adequate bushfire protection and the consequent
impact such action potentially has on the overall landscape quality of the area.

In addition to the above, the road network and water supply service would be affected by any
substantial increase in population in the zone whereby either the level of service would deteriorate or
become inadequate, or such services would need to be substantially upgraded to maintain existing

It is desirable that the existing open and landscape character of land within the zone be retained.
Creation of new residential allotments that are substantially smaller than existing allotments could
potentially dramatically alter the essential elements that comprise the existing character, through the
removal of significant amounts of vegetation, alterations to landform, and impacts on creeks and
drainage lines. Such development should therefore not occur. This is particularly relevant in the
bushfire protection area and any development in this area should be carefully assessed and if
necessary restricted to ensure the overall character of the zone is maintained.


Form of Development
1 Development should be in accordance with the objective and desired character of the zone.

2 Land division creating a “hammerhead” or similar shaped allotment should only be undertaken
(a) the area of the allotment – exclusive of the portion of commonly referred to as the
“handle” (that portion which is intended to be used primarily for access only) – is not
less than that set out in principle of development control numbered 3 of this zone;
(b) where the main portion of the allotment has a frontage or outlook to adjoining open
space, a creekline, or other land with an open or natural character; and
(c) that portion of the hammerhead allotment which is intended to be used primarily for
access (ie the “handle”) is not less than six metres wide at any point.

3 Sites for detached dwellings and land division creating residential allotments should satisfy the
following minimum site dimensions applicable to the gradient of each proposed site –

Gradient of Site Minimum Width of Site (metres)
Minimum Area of Site (square metres)
1:8 or less 12 1200
between 1:8 and 1:4 21 1500
greater than 1:4 30 2000

4 Sites for group dwellings should comply with the following minimum site dimensions.

Gradient of Site Minimum Area of Site (square metres)
1:8 or less 700
between 1:8 and 1:4 1200
greater than 1:4 1600

5 Semi-detached dwellings and residential flat buildings comprising two dwellings should only be
developed on sites where:
(a) the gradient is less than 1:8
(b) each dwelling site area is greater than 600 square metres
(c) each dwelling site has a minimum road frontage of 11metres

Siting and Design

6 Development should be designed and sited to relate to the slope of the land and the natural
character of the area so that:
(a) the bulk and scale of buildings respond to, rather than dominate, the natural landscape
(b) existing vegetation that contributes to the character of the area is retained wherever
reasonably possible.
(c) the natural drainage characteristics of the land are retained and all creek and drainage
lines are maintained in a natural state.
(d) landscaping incorporating trees and shrubs of primarily indigenous species is provided
to reduce the visibility, bulk and scale of buildings and structures.
(e) cutting and filling of the natural ground profile is obscured from view by existing
vegetation wherever possible and softened by new planting;
(f) the need for retaining walls is avoided, or if retaining walls are necessary their height is
minimised and they are screened by existing vegetation wherever possible and suitably
Consolidated (g) the use of bright and highly reflective external materials and finishes is avoided on
buildings and structures that are prominently visible from roads, reserve areas or other
public places;
(h) the extent of any vegetation clearance required for bushfire protection will not
significantly detract from the natural character and appearance of the locality.

Complying Development

7 The following development is complying in the Zone subject to compliance with the relevant
conditions contained in Table Mit/1:
Domestic outbuilding

Non-complying Development

8 The following kinds of development are non-complying in the Zone:
Advertisements on sites used for residential purposes other than advertisements which are
prescribed in Table Mit/1.
Advertisements on sites used for other than residential purposes where such advertisements are
(a) greater than 3.7 metres in height above ground level; or
(b) internally or externally illuminated, move, rotate, flash, incorporate an animated display or
running lights.