BRETT LEWIS 0412 843 771 & NICK ROGERS 0407 547 046

Hove is one of Adelaide’s premier beachside suburbs and this could be your ticket to property ownership with many future benefits. Set to the East of Brighton Road the home is in tidy condition offering 2 bedrooms, lounge with combustion heater and r.c. air cond, dining, a country style kitchen plus there is ample scope for renovation and extension. The allotment is fantastic measuring 17.76 m X 41.52 m totalling 737 square metres. Explore the development
options subject to Council consent or simply build your dream home.

So Much Potential !

RENTAL EST: $280 – $300 PW

For more information or to Find Out If Your Home Worth More As A Unit Site please call Brett Lewis 0412 843 771 or Nick Rogers 0407 547 046