Riverland Weekly Pty Ltd (the Company) operated a business which delivered the free Riverland Weekly Newspaper to homes in the Riverland. On 30 April 2013 Timothy Clifton and Mark Hall were appointed as Joint and Several Administrations of the Company and are now engaged in selling the business.

The Company operated from leased premises in South Australia and its primary assets comprise of:

The lease of its business premises (subject to consent);
Office equipment including Apple computers, desks and chairs;
Established systems and software for business of its kind; and
Access to customer databases.

To register your interest, please email Will Phillips (wphillips@cliftonhall.net.au) of Clifton Hall by 15 May 2013. Upon signing a confidentiality agreement, parties will be provided with additional information. Interested parties will be invited to undertake due diligence with unconditional offers to be received by 5pm, 31 May 2013.

The Administrators reserve the right to vary the sales timetable at any time.

Level 4, 12 Gilles Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000
t. (08) 7202 1800
f. (08) 7202 1840