The only things missing from this solid brick home are the furniture and next occupier because this address would be a great start for the first home buyer, investor or maybe even the retirees who would like a perfect smaller style home with convenience to the local hospital, doctors and other day to day facilities. Located on a corner allotment, this open plan living country style abode combines a modern timber kitchen, diner and lounge area with high ceilings and solid walls. Gas heating, reverse cycle air-conditioning and ceiling fans are the climate options. The main bedroom is carpeted and has decorative wall lights, a wall to wall mirrored robe whilst the two other bedrooms have timber floors. The tiled bathroom is modern and wet areas are serviced by the economic solar hot water system. At the rear of the home is a paved sheltered area which will be perfect for quiet coffee moments or for entertaining friends. A two vehicle carport is attached to the house and extra shedding with power is within the fully fenced yard allowing bonus storage space. Scattered fruit trees, ornamental roses and a rear lane access will be appreciated by the new owners and gardens are low maintenance. A bargain buy that is both affordable and adorable!