This attention seeking cottage style home possesses total character and personality plus underneath its original iron roof, iron clad dwelling overlooking the valley with a high pitched gable roof.

You may love every day at Loveday on the Loveday Ridge because it may be a perfect new home site if you want to push over and commence again – inspection will detect to renovate or detonate buts its more about the lifestyle and vision with opportunity plus the total value on offer. What a project, what a position!

Large rooms, timber floors, lofty ceilings and just individual spirit is within the home that would have been an attractive dwelling in its childhood years.

Its almost 10 acres of space and privacy at an enchanting leafy location with a natural scenic setting observing kangaroos and bunnies free ranging the country. Mature native gums amongst high roof rustic old shedding does add to the scene plus two bay car shedding.

Income versus outcome with citrus plantings and up to 35 megalitres of water for the citrus, get the kids to pick it and sell it!

If you have the mission, give yourselves the permission to commence transforming this address into an every day will be a Loveday at Thiele Road!

You may be surprised with exactly what is on offer!