This business is located in a very prominent position in a major Riverland town.

It enjoys high exposure on a main road and occupies premises at an unbelievably low rental.

The business is well established with over 14 years trading under the same name and at the same location. It is well known in the area and boasts of an outstanding reputation for quality work and fair trade.

This reputation and the success of the business, as evidenced by the Form 2, is the result of the business:
* Focusing on being able to produce odd size and shape products to cater for all need of clients
* Carrying a range of products and materials to enable immediate supply of orders and special requests
* Providing a broad spectrum of products to satisfy client’s needs in security doors, windows, shower screens etc.

In addition to the high frequency of domestic clients the business thrives on extensive work from various government agencies.

The business sale comes complete with a fully equipped workshop, showroom, office and two vehicles with glass racks and associated tools.

The adjusted nett profit of the business is near $200,000 Pa.

Further information is only available on signing and returning a Confidentiality Agreement

For more information please contact Graham Lunn on 0409 505 909. RLA 61345