A rare opportunity to purchase a 4th generation mixed farming operation, just 3km south of Swan Reach adjacent the mighty River Murray.·Approximately 1,800 acres arable cereal growing country.·Approximately 3000 acres grazing plain country·Substantial solid stone Homestead of generous proportions, 5 bedrooms plus copious living and storage· Solid brick / stone 2 bedroom managers cottage·Ample shedding inc. machinery, implement, workshop and 3 stand shearing shed.·Well fenced to 8 paddocks, watered by 2 windmill-equipped bores.
* 12,000 gallon poly tanks (bore storage) & 30,000 gallon poly & steel tanks (rain water storage)

A reliable, hardy sheep/cattle grazing & cereal property, conservatively stocked showing healthy returns over many years.
Enormous future potential for possible irrigation pursuits (subject government approvals).
Held by one family for 100 years, now for genuine sale.

Price: $875,000
Phone: Wayne Chadwick 0408828582