Phone enquiry code for this property : 5834

The Property
The property consists of three blocks of land, each with its own title. Two of these blocks are vacant land, whereas the middle block (36 Beachway Avenue) has a 4 bedroom house.
The property has the size of about 2,119 sqm.
The property is rectangular, shaped like an old IBM punch card (remember those?), because one corner is clipped at the intersection of Beachway Avenue and Old Coach Road.
The property is zoned Residential.
The property in detail:
34 Beachway Avenue, Lot 218, vacant land, approx. 711 sqm.
36 Beachway Avenue, Lot 314, with house, approx. 715 sqm.
38 Beachway Avenue, Lot 315, vacant land, approx. 693 sqm.

Property References
Here is a link to Google Maps and Google Earth which shows the precise location. You can cut and paste these links into your browser.
On Google Maps:,138.4792244,18z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x6ab13ca839f73243:0x5033654628eb860!8m2!3d-35.223!4d138.48

On Google Earth:,138.4801489,216m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x6ab13ca839f73243:0x5033654628eb860!8m2!3d-35.223!4d138.48

The Location
The property is located at Maslin Beach in South Australia, about 35 km south of Adelaide.
The property borders a busy arterial road (Old Coach Road) by approx. 37 meters.
Old Coach Road is a medium dense arterial road connecting the Aldinga Bay hub (about 13,000 people) and the Seaford/Moana area (about 17,000 people). Maslin Beach itself has a population of about 1,100 people.

The House
The house was build in 1985. The living area is approx. 135 sqm. It has 4 bedrooms and one bathroom, reverse cycle air-conditioning through-out and NBN fibre to the premises.

Grant of Easement on 34 Beachway Avenue (Lot 218)
In 1994 a liquid waste disposal system has been installed at Maslin Beach. For this system the owner allowed access to Lot 218 in form of an easement. The pipe contained in that easement services the owner’s own septic tank as well as neighbouring properties.

A Grant of Easement has ben set-up between the council and the owner.
Here is an excerpt of the Grant in relation to building permission:
Grantee: the council
Grantor: the owner
Point 2: The Grantee shall permit the Grantor to construct and allow to remain on the Land without interference;
(a) any building, (not restricted to a single-storey building),
(b) outbuilding, or,
(c) other structure
for which the Grantor could reasonably have expected to obtain approval pursuant to and subject to generally applicable building and planning controls in the absence of the Easement.
Point 5: The expression “Grantor” as used herein shall include the Grantor and the Grantor’s successors in title.

Property Exposure
Old Coach Road is a medium dense arterial road.
The property is exposed to Old Coach Road by approx. 37 metres.
For south-bound traffic on Old Coach Road the property is visible from about 1.4 km away at Moana Heights.
Any business sign at the property would be visible for the south-bound motorist for more than a minute, traveling at 70 km/h.
This visibility would be enhanced at night, as there are no other light sources except street lighting.

Business Opportunities at Maslin Beach
From a business perspective, Maslin Beach is completely undervalued.
Maslin Beach has a population of about 1,100 people and growing.

There are no shops at Maslin Beach. There are no medical services of any kind at Maslin Beach.

Maslin Beach is located within the McLaren Vale wine region, has about 3 km of clean and pristine coast line, and yet, there is nowhere within about 8 km where you could have a decent cup of coffee.

Potential for Residential Housing
The property is located at the highest point of Maslin Beach.
From the top floor of an assumed two story building, the view would extend to the Mount Lofty Ranges in the east and the Ocean to the west.
Council approval is required for any modifications to the land.

Potential for Medical Private Practice
There are no medical services at Maslin Beach.
Maslin Beach has a population of about 1,100 people, and growing.

This property is very well suited to establish a medical private practice.
It may contain rooms for GPs, Dentists and visiting specialists.
Also, allied health professionals such as Pharmacist, Podiatrist and Physiotherapist would complement a medical set-up.

Please be aware that the property is currently zoned as Residential.
Any plans implementing a project of this nature has to be approved by the relevant authorities.

Potential for Bakery-Cafe-Bistro
On busy Old Coach Road, and its extension Commercial Road, is a hospitality service missing which caters for Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner and anything in-between. This property is large enough to hold a bakery, a cafe and a bistro, including generous seating arrangements in and outside. This property offers an excellent business opportunity for a group of bakers and restauranteurs with long-term business intentions on their own land.
Again, any plans implementing a project of this nature has to be approved by the relevant authorities.

Phone enquiry code for this property : 5834