It is very easy to out grow a home when you start a family or later on in life the kids have all moved out and now it’s time to downsize. This is where you can easily gauge when looking back where you were on life’s ladder. All small sub divisions offer blocks from 300m2 -450m2, so after you have built your home, you have no garden to enjoy!
We are offering 2 large blocks of land of approx 600m2 and with the right home design you could possibly achieve some stunning sea views and a backyard! (STCC)
No encumbrances, you must build within a year, you must have the same colour fence, you can’t do this or you can’t do that, you do what you want, when you want!
Other people are looking to broaden their horizons and earn extra income for their retirement by trying some small scale development.
Professional developers are just out there grabbing every spare piece of land they can and developing it
This is an opportunity to decide what’s your next step in life?
It’s your time to build that new dream home and create new lasting memories in Maslin Beach.
Imagine taking an evening stroll with the family down to one of the best secluded beaches in SA, or just visit the Frank Hilton Reserve and take advantage of the barbecues, shelters, public toilets and a great big area for playing games are just some of the wonderful benefits this reserve has to offer.

(Any building or land alteration must have consent of council)
Call Chris on 0449 140 101 to arrange your viewing

South Real Estate

RLA 248474