Murray Bridge is on the crest of a wave with the new racecourse starting to take shape. For those looking to move to this sate of the art track, the only thing missing is that 100acre paddock close by for agistment. Here is THAT block. Situated on the quiet Usher Road, 4 kilometres from the new racetracks entrance (that’s only 2 minutes by float) and with water and power readily available for the property it well could be the answer to your agistment prayers. Approximately 101acres in size, it consists of sandy loam on top with underlying limestone to make it ideal for the equine breed and alleviate the threat of stone bruising. Fenced adequately for livestock, completely free of scrub or trees.
Alternatively if you seek that bitumen fronted large property to put your dream home on, conveniently close to town but far enough and large enough to still be able to hang the washing up in the birthday suit, then this is THAT property.
Every one of these blocks with this sought of location have two things common. 1 – they don’t come on to the market often and 2 – they don’t last long once they do. The race is on; don’t be left in the starting stalls with this one.