Real estate is a lot like the stock market – once the secret is out – it is invariably too late!
On offer are 10 allotments of approximately 2028 square metres each – that’s over half an acre – and just a hop and a skip – not even a jump – from the pristine waters of the mighty Murray. Most importantly – they are all zoned Residential!
Add to this the proximity to the ferry which can make the journey a tad quicker – depending on where you are hailing from and the reason must be asked – why wouldn’t you snap one – or two or even the entire lot up!
The owners know that they are cheap but they have other fish to fry so you could be frying freshly caught fish in your own private riverside getaway. This is a once in a
lifetime opportunity.
As they are zoned residential the council has said that they are sub-dividable – down to 600 square metres and if opposite a reserve they are down to 400 square metres.
Currently there are plans in to build on this land so as long as you meet the guidelines with a 3,000 litre septic system and have a carport you should be okay! The current
residents in the area advise that solar panels, inverter and batteries will provide ample electricity and allow you to bypass the grid becoming self sufficient is the way to go forward in the 21st Century.
As the Marina progresses the questions of infrastructure regarding SA Water, electricity and sealed roads will be addressed.
This is a genuine opportunity to make a guaranteed investment in your future with comparatively very little outlay. Patience is a virtue.
The question isn’t should we buy it’s how many!
The allotments are well signposted just start driving down Pangarinda Drive.
The allotments are bordered by Pangarinda Drive on the right hand side and Weber road on the left if you are looking down from Wellington Road.
Stage 2 of The Marina has been sold almost- and the plans are here to show you the proposal for further development and how the land overlooks this.
Enjoy your visit and a take note of the quality of the homes that are already built.
This is a serious location with an almost flippant price tag. Go on – I defy you to find anything else remotely as good for $35,000.