andbull; Well improved sheep and cattle country 28km from Naracoorte and 38km north west of Penola – Bool Lagoon West
andbull; Ideal balance of strong medium loam soils with gentle undulation
andbull; Good proportion of paddock trees and shelter belts
andbull; Strong early pasture growth with improved cultivars including perrennial grasses and sub clovers
andbull; Underground bore water supplying tanks and troughing – solar pump plus 240v pump
andbull; Sound improvements including well appointed 3 bedroom stone home, near new sheep yards, cattle yards and various shedding
andbull; Modern fencing and laneway system

The sale of Gingers creates a perfect opportunity to secure a self contained quality property as a stand alone or expansion plan

Auction – Thursday, 9th July at 2pm on the property