764 hectares or 1,888 acres on 3 freehold titles. Excellent breeding, fattening country just 5kms east of Kingston. Heavy black loam over limestone. Good supply of shade and shelter for stock. 4 stand across the board woolshed and good yards. Cattle yards. Fertiliser and soil conditioners include approximately 150kg equivalent single super per hectare per annum. Gypsum has been spread over the home property at 2.5 tonne per hectare in recent years. Excellent pastures comprising mainly sub clover, persian clover and some native clovers along with mainly annual grasses. Currently running 800 merino ewes and 2,300 cross bred ewes with lambs at foot and with with opportunities throughout the season to increase. Stock are in excellent condition and there is an abundance of paddock feed. 1 bore equipped with electric submersible. The pump feeds 4 x 5,000 gallon tanks which reticulate to troughing in each paddock. Pump is on a timer system. Excellent fencing standard with approximately 6kms of new fencing.

RLA 179363