Location: Mayfield is located 18kms South West of Lucindale and 47kms West of Naracoorte.
Services: STD Phone, mobile phone, power, educational, shopping and business at Lucindale.
Country: The range country on the home block is undulating sandy loams whilst the Conmurra plains is heavy black to grey soils over limestone.
Land and Tenure: Total area of 501.2 hectares or 1,236 acres approx. Lot 1 Home Block 25.5Ha, Lot 2 Graetz Block 299.1Ha and Lot 3 Lonely Horse 175.6Ha.
Rainfall: 650mm
Stock WaterBores: Graetz The stock watering system was replaced in 2006. A solar powered Starter diesel motor (small) coupled to pump supplying 2 raised poly tanks-timer initialed pumping, reticulates to satellite tanks and concrete troughs.
Lonely Horse Submersible pump with mains single phase power.
Home Submersible pump to troughs.
Water Allocation: Graetz Taking allocation of 22HaIE and 506.43megs, 73.58 megs subject to cancellation 30/06/2012 as part of original development licence.
Lonely Horse Taking allocation of 621.67 megs, holding 58.6 megs, 95 hectare Ausrain centre pivot, 6 cylinder Perkins diesel, irrigation facilities, sub divided into 24 cells. 25 hectare Zimmatic centre pivot, John Deere diesel, 6 cells.
Fencing: Graetz Eight main paddocks, portion with laneway. Mainly plain wire, pine posts and barb internal, electric wire from solar powered energiser.
Lonely Horse Electric fence to 30 internal paddocks for irrigation plus 4 dryland paddocks.
Home Sub divided 4 paddocks, pine posts, plain, barb and electric.
PastureCultivation: Species include rye grass, phalaris and clovers. The plains country is suitable for cropping.
Improvements: Graetz Large rubbled pad plus stock pile of rubble. Steel framed shed 30m x 15m x 8m high. New stock yard to bugle galvanised steel cattle yards with under cover crush and scales, outer timber yards.
Home Modern 3 bedroom open plan transportable home in excellent condition all set in superb landscaped grounds. Hay shed, open fronted workshop and sundry sheds.
Comment: The Property is available for sale as a whole or the Graetz and Lonely Horse blocks individually. The Home Block is contingent on the sale of Lots 2 and 3.

Lot 1 Home Block $450,000
Lot 2 Graetz Block $2,500,000
Lot 3 Lonely Horse $2,000,000
Lots 2 and 3 Includes all irrigation
equipment and water licenses

RLA 314