Two Excellent proximate properties offering excellent diversification including a soil type for every season, irrigation and excellent infrastructure.

Combined Land Area 549 Hectares – 1356 acres

Biscuit Flat –

368.8 Hectares or 911 Acres or thereabouts 32.5 Hectares Laser Levelled Artesian Flood Irrigation. Well located approximately 44kms South of Kingston and 40 kms East of Robe and 40 West of Lucindale.

Land comprising an excellent balance well improved strong Hill Gum country being slightly undulating varying to heavier clay loams over limestone. Excellent fertiliser history.

Rainfall approximately 600mm to 650mm per annum.
Fenced into 14 main paddocks utilising plain, cyclone and barbed wire. Some electric.

Stock water supplied by four windmills, tanks and concrete troughsmajority on aprons. Electric pump supplying home and surrounds.

Improved pastures including sub clover,improved grasses to Strawberry Clover and White Clover.

Ideally timbered with excellent livestock shelter. High lambing percentages every year.

Improvements include a well maintained and neatly presented 4 bedroom modern home, various implement and machinery sheds, 3 stand wool shed, cattle yards and hay shedding.

Irrigation: Approximately 32.5 Hectares of artesian supplied laser levelled flood irrigation utilised for out of season livestock finishing plus silage and hay production.

Biscuit Park –

180.2 Hectares or 445 Acres or thereabouts.

Well located just 46 km South of Kingston and 42Km East of Robe and 42Km West of Lucindale. Just 2 km South of Biscuit Flat

Land being predominantly gently undulating strong medium loams over limestone supporting perennial grasses, sub clover, phalaris and rye grass. Excellent fertiliser history.
Ideally timbered offering excellent shade and shelter including Hill Gum.

Stock water supplied by electric bore pump and windmill. Concrete troughs.

Well fenced into 8 paddocks.
Excellent livestock country suiting breeding and finishing.
Improvements include a three bedroom home. Very good 3 stand wool shed and yards,machinery shedding and cattle yards.

The sale of these two holdings represents a great chance to purchase excellent land which is well improved and providing excellent results carrying breeding and finishing sheep and cattle.

Full detailed property schedule available on request.