The Business was founded by the current Proprietor 16 years ago and has been run as a Sole Trading entity since then. The product range exhibits just a small portion of the regular or custom products and services produced or rendered. In addition there has been a varying amount of general repair work carried out, however, the majority of the work has been on the manufacturing side.

Plant and Equipment:
A wide range of well maintained plant and equipment is included and the attached Plant Schedule includes the main items together with basic steel stocks.

The Business is located currently on Beamma Road opposite the busy Padthaway Grain Silos with quite a high level of passing rural trade. A lease for the premises is available subject to Negotiation with indications of a very reasonable rent. As an alternative the premises, which are included with the sale of the business could be readily relocated to an alternative site if desired.

Financial Statement / Form 2:
Genuine interested parties will be supplied with the Financial Statements and Form2 Documents upon signing a Privacy Agreement with the Agent.

Vendor Assistance:
The Vendor is prepared to assist in a negotiated transition with tuition and drawing information for the various articles produced. The Vendor is retiring but will retain the current business name Agwill for personal reasons. His future involvement in steel fabrication will be at a personal use level and his chosen interest in black-smithing.

Business Mission Statement:
Currently the business supplies a broad range of products from sack trucks to pump sheds and from patio’s to mobile fuel tanks. This has been successfully done without recourse to advertising or internet marketing. An incoming purchaser will acquire a business with a reputation for high quality, however, with the Vendor not seeking expansion the directions followed by a new owner will depend on their own ambitions and areas of particular expertise.

At the very reasonable Asking Price this opportunity is opens a whole new career path for the highly trained or proficient hobbyist alike.

ASKING PRICE$ 65,000.00
as a Going Concern