Located in the Lower South East of South Australia, Nywaba & Denbigh operate as a growing out property for Dairy Heifers and a Hay production business.
Combining a substantial amount of Irrigation and a very high production dry land grazing system, Nywaba & Denbigh would suit a variety of enterprises including the installation of a dairy.
The properties are approximately 407 hectares / 1006 acres, of highly productive black renziena soils in the very reliable 700mm Rainfall area of Mt McIntyre/ Wattle Range.
A War Service Home of four bedrooms with all fixtures & fittings. An orchard in a garden setting.
3 x Centre Pivot irrigators covering 300 acres / 121.4 ha
A 7.5 X 9m Machinery / Hay shed
6 x Titles
New 60 x 30m, Hay shed built 2009.
27 X 11m ex 3 stand raised board shearing shed converted to a Hay shed
Sundry storage shed
K Rail cattle yards with Pratley, V race and crush
All stock fences are electric
Techno grazing fencing – 243 ha
Gravel Pit on the property