A Good healthy grazing block in a reliable rainfall area.

This 808 Ha property boast plenty of shelter throughout the property and a portion of heritage scrub to the southern end

Well fenced into 13 main paddocks to follow the changing soil types from lighter sandy undulating country with areas being clay spread to a good portion of the property being heavier flats with many large blue gums dotted over the Flat country.

A good water system from the main submersible with 2″ and 1and 1/2 ” Ploy pipe throughout, with a windmill filling dams as a handy back up.

Good serviceable steel stockyards and a two stand shearing shed, a very handy implement shed and the workshop to carry out your own maintenance.

A comfortable three bedroom home completes the package with a large separate lounge room, a renovated bathroom , a large kitchen/meals /family area with French doors to the pergola area.

Don’t Hesitate Book an inspection!!