Nestled in the hillside covering 1.8 hect is this gorgeous 3 bedroom log cabin home.

You could be miles from anywhere when your sitting out the front admiring the spectacular panoramic views, including the hills right down to the sea.

This well insulated home, with exposed log walls in the lounge, offers a cosy rustic feel and well designed floorplan, with built in robes plus large bathroom.

The well established landscaping has been a labour of love, and allows the buyer to enjoy a relaxed serene environment with all the hard work done.

We have all been waiting for this one to come along and with a very realistic reserve price, and the vendor ready to move on, now is your chance to own it.

Other features include solar heating, computer timer watering system, 30 x 20ft shed with cement floor and power, plus shed for storing caravan / boat (drive thru.

Auction 16th July at 1pm On Site
Contact Dee Cook 0428 282 642