Under instructions from the Vendor to offer the property (Section 31 Hundred of Mortlock) by sale of Tender.
Tenders will close at 4.00pm on Monday the 31st of October 2016 at the Agent’s office, 48 Railway Terrace, Cummins SA 5631.
Undulating prime cropping country situated 12Kms south of Cummins on the Lincoln Highway, comprising of 573 Hectares of which 524 Hectares are arable (1293 Acres).
The balance comprising of creeks, shelter belts and many trees planted by the Vendor. The arable land is heavy red clay with loam and small areas of buckshot.
Very reliable 18 rainfall, modern farming practices used with no till one pass seeding, best practise chemicals and fertiliser used.
Stubbles have been rolled every year and all paddocks had double Knock spray pre-seeding.
Fenced to 19 paddocks (12 main plus 7 smaller) with 5 line cyclone and barb in fair condition.
The property has 3 large dams plus other smaller dams and one well.
Predominantly cropped to wheat and canola with 2015 season wheat average of 3.7 tonne and canola 2.0 tonne.
Four bedroom stone home with kitchen, lounge, dining room, bathroom, laundry, toilet and double garage.
3 stand shearing (80×30) shed and yards, 80×40 implement shed, 30×30 machinery shed, 100×40 machinery shed, 2x500bag silos, 1x110bag silo, 4 x fuel tanks, (2x500gallon, 2x1000gallon)
A well maintained property in the heart of the Cummins District, well known for its reliability of rainfall and its cropping/yield history.
This freehold property represents an excellent opportunity to purchase as a whole or in a partnership. A well recognised farming property.
The offering of Section 31 Hd of Mortlock For Sale by Tender offers buyers a great opportunity to purchase a property in good condition with a great history and excellent future.
Inspections strictly by appointment with the Sole Agent David Guidera on 0427 762 566 or call into the office at 48 Railway Terrace, Cummins SA 5631