Situated approximately 18km east of Lock at Bayley Plains is Section 16 Hundred of Boonerdo. The farming land is typical grain growing country being undulating to flat sandy/loam with gypsum flats. A total land area of 565.8Ha (1,398.09 acres) with approximately 485.6Ha (1,200 acres) well cleared and arable. Average annual rainfall is estimated at 350-375mm.Mains water is available with a 2 stand shearing shed with yards, cattle yards, other shedding and an disused house. The current owner has a mining lease for the supply of Gypsum that will be transferred with the sale. An estimated supply of 15-20,000 tonnes per year would be a handy income to compliment this holding. At this rate of mining it is estimated the supply of Gypsum would easily be 50 plus years.