Currently 7 flats and various commercial premises, including Eagle Boys Pizza returning a total of around $97,000 pa.
Situated just minutes from the waters edge and the town centre with three street frontage being King, Eyre and Washington Streets. A total of 975sqm with ample parking.
The current zoning (Regional Centre, under review by the Minister for Planning) permits residential, commercial and retail development (STCC) to 12 floors. How much is a penthouse apartment worth with panoramic views of the bay?
What a great location for a hotel or upmarket apartment block! Port Lincoln is a city of the future, this is your chance to get in on the ground floor!
Port Lincoln is the major city and playground of the Eyre Peninsular and the home of our thriving aquaculture industry. Flights from Adelaide are daily and take just 50 minutes.
Dennis Agostini
0422 526 437