The Councils of City of Port Lincoln and District Council of Lower Eyre Peninsula are currently engaged in discussions around implementing a Resources and Infrastructure Plan over the area named Boston, physically located just a short distance from the CBD of Port Lincoln, bordered by Western Approach Road, Flinders Highway, and Richardson Road.
A previous development in the area has already been zoned as Rural Living, and the Councils are now considering extending this zoning to adjacent areas, due to a high level of demand for similar properties in the area, hence the review in order to cater to a demonstrable increased demand on services within the zone.
The proposed Winter Hill Estate would fall into this zoning, according to information currently being considered by the Councils, and the current owner is keen to see the land developed as such.
Several depositions have already been made in support of this, and as the zoning and infrastructure plans proceed, more confidence is gained that this Estate will become the premier location amongst this Rural Living Zone development, due to its orientation and the magnificent views and accessibility currently available.
Testing has been done on soils and gravels available on site, and favourable results show that all required fill materials are available on-site for roadworks, only requiring final course and bitumen to complete. The final course materials are available from an existing quarry just two kilometres away.
To support this, the current owner is also offering their experience in roadworks and building home sites, allowing any prospective developer to defray a substantial portion of infrastructure costs.
The total proposed Stage One area encompasses approximately 86Ha, allowing over 60 one Hectare sites plus reserves and roadways. Three access points have already been identified onto the adjacent Flinders Highway, leading directly into the centre of Port Lincoln.
The land slopes away towards the southern end of Eyre Peninsula, affording expansive views not just of the rural landscape which attracted so many to the region initially, but also over hundreds of kilometres of coastline, from the Coffin Bay district to Flinders Monument, including islands, sand-dunes, national parks and water reserves.
These panoramic views would be available from almost every position within this development.
The main Port Lincoln Power Sub Station adjoins the property on one corner, and existing lines run across the grounds, making access to power even more cost effective to development.
There are three licensed bores on the property, with year round flow, ensuring adequate water supplies during construction.
For all further information or detail, please contact the Agent, Paul Sherry of Raine and Horne Port Lincoln.