Located between Cleve and Tumby Bay, a 2860 arable acres property currently operated as a cereal, pulse growing operation utilising minimum till, 12 inch spacings, knife points, double shooting and no stock.

With runs of 1.2 kms and auto steer navigation, this easily tilled country of red brown flats, running into sand over clay has sound production records. Infra structure for stock handling (fences, water, shed, yards) is still maintained but has not been utilised for seven years.

Situated 38kms from Cleve, 48 kms from Tumby Bay and 20 kms from the coast at Port Neil.

Recreation, shopping, hospitals and banks are all within 30 minutes drive.

Housing is a large brick home of 4 bedrooms, office, two bathrooms and an outdoor entertainment area that incorporates a swimming pool.

Shedding is extensive, with the latest addition being a 100′ x 40′ x 18 ft fully enclosed implement shed with power and high bay lights. On ground diesel tanks are operated by 240 volt pump and matter. The super shed is approx 40′ x 30′ x 17′ Other shedding includes a 2 stand shearing shed combination implement shed, an implement shed 60′ x 30′ with lean to and a hay shed 100′ x 25′ 4 grain silos – 1 x 100 bag, 2 x 120 bags and 1 x 500 bag.

Water is by mains supply and rainwater is used throughout the house and for the majority of crop spraying.

While the owner is using a continues cropping regime of 50% wheat, 35% barley and 15% peas, he considers on past history, the property would run 1500 ewes or 1000 ewes with cross bred lambs.

The owner prefers to use a best practice rotation utilising cereal and a break crop.

With diversification and cash flow needed to farm successfully in the 21st century, why not buy away from your district and set up an operation in a different area?

Machinery costs can be spread over a larger area, initial buyer cost could be lower and Eyre Peninsular is a great place to live!

Contact Mark Walsh

Property Code: 177