213.6Ha / 527.8 acres approx, approx 526.8 arable acres
It is with great pleasure that Wardle Co have been favored to offer this parcel of land for Auction.
Located approx 14km East of Maitland, the land comprises fertile heavy loam and clay soils well suited to continuous cropping fenced into one near square paddock with house block excluded as per paddock plan.
Good fertilizer history and well farmed using modern farming practices by the current owners for the past decade. (Please note – the house is not included in the sale).
The property is well fenced by cyclone, barb, mains water is connected and the approx Rainfall is 450 – 500ml per year
The property is being offered for sale by Auction, on Friday the 9th of September 2016 at 2pm at Arthurton Complex
Settlement Date – 9th January 2017
Deposit – 10% of sale price
For further details and inspections contact sole agents www.wardleco.com.au
Property Code: 2409