This very capable Northerly facing cropping property of 62.43 Hectares (154 Acres) has been planted with Potatoes, Carrots and Poppies, irrigated via underground mains coupled to travelling irrigators.

An electric TECO motor coupled to a Southern Cross pump with 5 inch mains services the property through underground outlets, with 15 risers to the North and 10 risers on the south.

Six accessible dams are the supply chain to irrigators over the undulating land of 9 paddocks that vary in sizes.

Crops are located on very productive capability 3 soils whilst the balance of the property (approximately 8 hectares) is situated on capability 4 + 5 soils, currently sown to pasture for cattle feed. The property is presently under contract and has been for the last few years.

A total water license of 122 Ml, together with the main dam constructed in 1998 has a capacity of 52 Ml, whereas the dam towards the rear requires a diesel power irrigation unit. The dams are supported by way of springs; in addition the water storage has the capacity to operate six irrigation units.

A 3 Phase power supply reaches to three powered sites strategically placed with connections to couple up irrigation machines.

The two laneways flowing from east to west connect all corners of the property. Part of the internal fencing is electric (three strand), connected at the second dam power supply.

Fertilizer regimes have been maintained according to regular soil testing with a Ph in the vicinity of 6-6.5 recorded. The rich fertile soil produces good yields, with past harvests of Peas, Cauliflower, Sprouts, Beans, Broccoli, Pumpkins and Potatoes just to name a few.

There are several buildings ranging in construction from concrete, timber and iron. The concrete structure is 11 x 5 metres, the timber; an old church 5 x 4.5 metres with wooden floor and two entrances, the rear of the church is another room measuring 3 x3 metres with both being lockable. The remaining buildings are timber and iron clad, one measures 12 x 4.5 metres, and the other has two divisions measuring 5 x 5 metres, along with the hay shed near the main dam being 10 x 9 metres in size. Some buildings have an open skillion for storing farming equipment. There is a disused cattle yard with loading ramp that could be cleaned up and made serviceable once more.

There are many possibilities for this property, why not inspect for your peace of mind by contacting Les at Sushames on 0400 900 664.

Property Code: 373