Consisting of 340 acres/138 hectares of Tasmania’s finest red basalt soils, this property is located 8km from Sheffield and 20km from the major centre of Devonport which has a daily air and ferry service to Melbourne.
The property would be equally suited to dairying or cropping with a vegetable processor nearby. Having grown excellent crops of potatoes, onions, carrots, beans, peas, broccoli and also poppies in the past. The farm is currently operating as a dairy and in 2013/2014 is projected to produce 106,220kg of Milk Solids.
Water is supplied from 5 dams and two bores. The property is level to a gentle contour with the main improvements being a 16 unit dairy, 3-4 bedroom home, multiple sheds and underground irrigation pumps and mains, along with a 3 span linear irrigator.
The Vendors would consider lease/buy to approved purchasers.