King Island continues to lead the way in fine food production in cheese products through King Island Dairies processing factory at Loorana on King Island. Now there is opportunity for a family to move into the milk product value adding business and dairying operation. Surplus milk is sold to King Island Dairies. The factory is accredited and currently used to pasteurize and package light and full cream milk, cream and flavoured milk product for the local market. Tremendous opportunity exists to extend the range of product being offered and perhaps establish an island cottage industry catering for a growing tourist industry.
King Island offers an ideal environment for the dairy operation being renowned as amongst the best non irrigated dairy and beef grazing land in the country with reliable annual rainfall around the 1000 to 1200 mm mark per annum in strong grass growing country. The farm has excellent on farm water supply with both dam and bore for dairy, reticulated water supply to troughs, 20 aside herringbone dairy with calf and machinery shedding. A 4 bedroom residence completes the package. The farm operation is currently leased with the lease term expiring at the end of June 2015.
As a family operation, this presents as one of few dairying operations remaining as a comfortable income earner at an affordable price for the family operation.