This busy take away Leasehold has been serving the people of Somerset, Wynyard & Burnie for the past 30 years.
The current vendors come from a restaurant background and have worked hard to build a fantastic local trade.
Since taking over the shop they have adopted a homemade approach making all sauces, chutneys, burgers, chips, pizzas and desserts from scratch.
This focus on quality means the popularity of the High Tide is at an all-time high.
The High Tide is the only place along the North West Coast importing authentic doner meats from Melbourne for doner kebabs.
Kebabs have been a huge success bringing in customers from all along the North West Coast.
Highly profitable pizzas were also introduced to the menu.
A home delivery system to the local Somerset area has proven successful at maximising clientele in the local area.
The sale of fish and chips has also increased exponentially under the new vendors due to a
focus on selling only fresh Tasmanian seafood.
The High Tide continues to be one of the only places outside of Hobart still making homemade chips, a huge selling feature of the shop.
The premises itself has been completely redecorated and renovated over the past year.
The equipment has been replaced and upgraded.
All the hard work has been done here, the potential is endless.
For more information and increase the potential, call me or my team open 7 days!