Situated on Kheme Road about 25km from Oatlands, this property has a combination of good cropping and dry land grazing country. There is a little bit of open native bush and is in the renowned, sound sheep grazing district of York Plains and Lemont, with an annual rainfall of between 500 and 600 mm per annum.
It is estimated that the property will carry between 800 and 900 D.S.E and is well watered by Biralee Creek. There is a 3 bedroom weatherboard residence built about 1930 approximately 91 m2 with a verandah, garage and sleepout. there is also a corrugated, galvanised iron clad relocated building with three rooms along with a three stand timber shearing shed and a series of storage sheds along with a grain silo.
This is a rare opportunity to acquire a small grazing property in the heart of the popular Southern Midlands and will be sold by Auction at Roberts Real Estate rooms on Friday, 16th October, 2009 at 12.00 Noon.