‘Chimneys Lagoon’ is 23.8ha of coastal forest and wetland on the East Coast at St Helens, close to Georges Bay and ocean beaches. The property incorporates about one third of a large freshwater lagoon, the balance of which lies within a public reserve. It protects some important native forest and habitat for a wide range of threatened plants and animals . A planning permit has been obtained from Council for construction of a residence and holiday accommodation, so if you are after your own private retreat or a business opportunity on the beautiful east coast, then this could be the block for you.
Infrastructure and Services
- Access to the development site via a formed track.
- Views of Georges Bay.
- Nearby connections to mains power, town water, telephone and sewerage system.
- St Helens has a variety of services including shopping centre, hospital, primary and high school.
Conservation Values
The property adjoins St Helens Point Conservation Area and the Chimneys Lagoon Conservation Area. The block is mainly covered in coastal eucalypt forest, with a fringe of paperbarks (Melaleuca ericifolia) around the lagoon. The dominant forest community is coastal black peppermint (Eucalyptus amygdalina) forest with smaller areas of blue gum (E. globulus) and white gum (E. viminalis) forest along creek lines. The property is a hot spot for threatened species with at least six threatened plants occurring there, including Tasmania’s largest greenhood orchid Pterostylis grandiflora) which was thought to be locally extinct. Threatened animals that may occur include the endangered swift parrot (Lathamus discolor).
Contact our office for full details.
Disclaimer: Photographs and images used may include views of neighbouring properties or views captured from the subject property.